Art Around the World World Art    

Lesson 15: Kingdom of Dali Buddhist Volume of Paintings (portion)

by Zhang Shengwen

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    Art Around the World World Art    

Lesson 15: Kingdom of Dali Buddhist Volume of Paintings (portion)

by Zhang Shengwen


Study the artwork for one week.

Over the week:

  • Examine the artwork.
  • Read the synopsis.
  • Study the vocabulary words.
  • Recite the artist and artwork names.
  • Read about the art region or artist.
  • Complete the enrichment activities.
  • Discuss the review questions.


Zhang Shengwen's 'Kingdom of Dali Buddhist Volume of Paintings' is a scroll that stretches over 54 feet long. The small section featured in this lesson shows students surrounding Buddha, a teacher and sage of the Buddhist Religion. Halos encircle the heads of Buddha and his students. Flowers, decorations, and elaborate chandeliers adorn the painting. Equal numbers of similarly positioned students flank Buddha on both sides, bringing a sense of balance to the work. Buddhists and other religions make hand gestures called 'mudras,' which symbolize concepts such as charity, teaching, and balance. Note that Buddha in this painting raises one hand and extends his index finger, pinkie finger, and thumb, which may symbolize protection against evil. The other hand resting in his lap also makes a gesture, which is hard to discern. Today, people who practice Yoga often form mudras as they meditate.


Buddhism: A religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is to free yourself from the desire. (
Buddhist: An adherent of the religion based on the teachings of Buddha.
Scroll: A roll of parchment or paper for writing or painting on.
Buddha (Gautama): An Indian religious leader and teacher who founded Buddhism.
Sage: A profoundly wise man, especially one who features in ancient history or legend.
Halo: A disk or circle of light shown surrounding or above the head of a saint or holy person to represent their holiness.
Mudra: A symbolic hand gesture used in some religious ceremonies and statuary, and in Indian dance.
Yoga: A spiritual practice that includes breathing techniques and specific bodily postures for health and relaxation.


  1. Chinese painter Zhang Shengwen lived in 12th century China.
  2. Zoom in and find Xuan's birth country of China on the map of East Asia below.
  3. Zhang Shengwen lived in the Dali Kingdom in China, a remote mountainous region in Southern China now known as Yunnan. See Yunnan marked on the map below. Study both maps of China, and note which modern-day countries the Dali Kingdom borders (Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam).


Activity 1: Can You Find It?

Find the following in the artwork:

  • Buddha
  • Teacher
  • Students
  • Seven Pairs of People in Mirror Image Positions
  • Chandeliers
  • Flowers
  • Throne
  • Haloes
  • Mudras

Activity 2: Narrate the Artwork

  • After studying the artwork, narrate the scene shown aloud using your own words.

Activity 3: Complete Vocabulary Activities

  • While studying the new words, point out any you see in the painting.
  • Define each of the vocabulary words in your own words.

Activity 4: Create Your Own Scroll

  • Zhang Shengwen painted Buddha, a teacher that inspired him, on his scroll.
  • Get a long, narrow piece of paper or tape two pieces together on their short ends for the scroll.
  • On the scroll, color or paint something that inspires you.
  • Roll up the scroll. Use a string, ribbon, or rubber band to secure your scroll.
  • If you wish, give the scroll to someone you care about.

Activity 5: Color the Artwork   

  • Click the crayon above, and complete page 24 of 'Art History Coloring Pages for Second Grade.'


Question 1

Who are the characters in the artwork?
1 / 4

Answer 1

The characters are the teacher Buddha and his students.
1 / 4

Question 2

What is the setting of the artwork?
2 / 4

Answer 2

The setting is most likely an indoor room, given the ornamental thrones and elaborate decorations.
2 / 4

Question 3

What is a mudra?
3 / 4

Answer 3

A mudra is a hand gesture that symbolizes concepts such as balance and protection.
3 / 4

Question 4

How does the painting show balance?
4 / 4

Answer 4

The painting shows balance by mirroring equal numbers of similarly positioned students on either side of the central Buddha figure.
4 / 4

  1. Who are the characters in the artwork? The characters are the teacher Buddha and his students.
  2. What is the setting of the artwork? The setting is most likely an indoor room, given the ornamental thrones and elaborate decorations.
  3. What is a mudra? A mudra is a hand gesture that symbolizes concepts such as balance and protection.
  4. How does the painting show balance? The painting shows balance by mirroring equal numbers of similarly positioned students on either side of the central Buddha figure.


  1. 'Zhang Shengwen.' Wikipedia. n.p.
  2. 'Buddhism.' Wikipedia. n.p.
  3. 'Yunnan Map TUBS CC BY-SA 3.0.' Wikipedia. n.p.